I think I just found my wedding ring!!! It's just a matter of making it happen now. The honey has been diligently seeking out rings that he thinks I would like. He's been scouring the web for me...so sweet...
Purty isn't it?
I just got The Time Traveler's Wife from the library. I am tired of spending money on books that I read really fast and then just leave lying around.. So I discovered the beauty of being frugal. :D
Two whole days of doing nothing...ahh..okay I am doing quite a bit of somethings, working out, cleaning, searching for a new washer...wedding stuff. Hair cut tomorrow Yipee!!!!! I can't wait. My hair salon that I go to es tres chic. Johnnie cuts my hair, isn't that perfect? He kills me, he loves curly hair and does miracles with my wild tresses. I feel like I am in a wonderland, I don't know what to do next, should I run in the rain? Should I continue to feed my ever consuming need to calculate my caloric intake? Should I throw caution to the wind and go have a sundae?
Heck, I might even go get my nails done! Me...miss-I-can-do-everything-myself.
I am resurrecting my open mike conglomerations. I am pretty jazzed about that. They've asked me to do a reading this Thursday, but alas, it will be my first day at work on the new job, and I must leave the lines free for any sort of post work anxiety I might go through. Although I don't expect my day to be short of walking on clouds, I like to give myself some room to breathe.
To feed the every increasing big show epidemic in myself I attended my second Strikeforce event. It was the first time CA ever legalized MMA fighting, with a record breaking event at the HP Pavillion (formely known as the shark tank) about 18K people showed up, in a very long, very exciting, Mixed Martial Arts event. It reminded me of when the honey and I went to Vegas. I felt all hyped up and excited after my first UFC fight. I loved watching their techniques, their submissions, and their knockouts. Although I get irritated when men try to "box it out" so to speak, some people just aren't as strong as they'd like to think and should stick to grappling....At this fight though, Frank Shamrock put on a very good fight Cesar Gracie was in no way, shape or form prepared for that match. Shamrock knocked him out in the first 21 seconds of the first round. We met him and his brother Ken in Vegas a while back. They are really nice in person. Speaking of rounds...man those ring girls wear damn close to nothing. I suppose if I were turned on by them, I would've thought they were hot...Reminds me of what the honey's bachelor party might look like...Ugh, I don't even want to think about it..
Man I was on the edge of my seat for a whoping 4 hours. After l left, I swore I should've been born a man. After a lot of beer, and blood gushing punches and kicks we headed off for Brittainia Arms in downtown SJ. One word..ghtetto...
It was fun, although I did have to say it was rather nice having 6 rather large, and muscular men at my aid when a little pee wee tried to grab my ass. Ahh, the feeling, it was fantastic. The honey was especially sweet, after a few drinks he's so silly. We danced, it was fun.
We did manage to roll into a Taquria (ok my spanglish sucks) I ran into an old sorority sister of mine, very cool, nice chatting with her again. Later we walked back in freezing rain to our hotel room. It was certainly a fun night. I proved myself wrong, I am not, nor will I ever be "one of the guys" but nontheless, it's nice being a little feminine, and able to adapt to being with only men, and no women..It's funny men are so much more fun when they drink..I did manage to stay away from really caloric, "girly" drinks, and stuck with light beer the whole night..
Gotta run, laundry and lunch await me.