As I type away here at my keyboard, with one eye, (why do people say that? You can't really just use one eye huh?) on the clock trying to time this just right...(4:30 meeting) I've got just a little over 30 minutes to post about my blissful wedding to my fabulous husband. The "honey" is now mine all mine (muwhaahaaa) No really, it was such a glorious day, that I wished it could've lasted longer, like at least two or three more days..
From the moment I entered the room and fought tooth and nail trying not to cry my lushes fake lashes off, to the very end of the night when he held me in his arms while we swayed to Brother Iz's "Somewhere over the Rainbow" it was a day / night I will never forget...
One of the most amazing things, was that I barely heard the string trio I so meticulously hired...The second I walked into the ballroom with my Dad gripping my trembling arm, and the whole room stood up at once, it was a wonderful sound, like a stampede all getting up for me! Flashes, trembling bottom lip, hoping to God that I wouldn't trip on the aisle runner and lose my train...Getting to the front was tough, I had a really hard time letting go of my Dad's arm. I was scared I would faint or something...I couldn't look at my gorgeous sister because she was bawling her eyes out. I somehow managed to look at the honey directly in the eyes without crying, because, well he knows me, he can read me, and he knows when I am about to lose all control. The depth of his eyes were so comforting too me, they hugged me and loved me without a single blink.. Call me a tough cookie, but I was damned determined not to cry..In retrospect I feel that maybe I should've let down my hair and shed a few tears that desperately wanted to be free'd. But I didn't want to ruin my makeup. Yes, I am vain...
The evening progressed always with one eye on the honey, with the dj blowing a fuse, (very entertaining by the way) a good friend of mine singing us a beautiful song in Italian. And my Mother and I dancing to Disney's "Once upon a dream" with everyone encircling us. It was my little gift to her. I grew up with her singing all the disney songs to me as a little girl, I told you I was a girly girl..They remain sort of special in my heart. The honey and I greeted, and greeted and greeted, and sadly enough a few of you escaped unscathed...damnit...
The cake cutting was funny, I smashed some in his face very sweetly, but he tried to sexily "tease" some into my mouth..what a sexpot I've married.
The bouquet toss, went to a woman that I'd never met, which sort of bummed me out in a way because I really wanted my good friend Emma to get it..I would've thrown it right at her if I had better aim.
The garter, oh boy, I forgot mine, luckily the honey was equipt with his own. He managed to rip that bad boy off with his teeth! Adam caught, the aforementioned friend "Francesca"'s ex. Long story, but they're good friends..I think..
And then dancing, and more dancing. Some of it with my very close friends Aimmee, Veronica, Francesca and I. We went galloping through the parlor, well, because a parlor like that was begging for four young women to traipse at full speed through it. Wedding dress, shoeless and drenched with sweat. Oh what fun!
Then, that's it, it was over that quickily. The end of it all almost brought tears to my eyes.. The hall, the music, the food, the moment of feeling like there was nothing more important to me on earth than to be right then and there..all done...
We drive away in my car, gas tank on empty with a trunk full of enough liquor to intoxicate a small country. Our gift (all million and one of them) along with our food, went off into the night in two truck loads in the hands of my relatives.
We stayed the night at a VERY lovely hotel..Lush, very very nice. Chocolate covered strawberries, champagne on ice. Folks it was peerrrrfect.. The rest I will leave to your imaginations, as it's a little secret between my husband and I :)
My, it's so new, so different, but somehow feels so right. Like God has planted me right where I am supposed to be. In the arms of the man that I will love for the rest of my life....