Last night, round 3 went so smoothly, I could hardly believe it myself. It didn't feel so much like a job interview than actually chatting with friends. I can tell the dynamics between myself and the rest of the "team" is quite good. I think I really do prefer a smaller company.
I just can't wait to give my notice. I can't wait to see the expression on noodlehead's face. I am sure she will be relieved to be rid of me, as I will be happy too. I just hope the offer, if at all, is good, bountiful and comes quickily. I hate to digress and try to anyalyze exactly where things went wrong here, but sometimes I just can't help but wonder...
Onto other topics...Family isn't doing well. Extended that is. I am worried a few may not make it through the holidays. This makes me so sad..Life moves so quickily, sometimes I really can't remember what day of the week it is, because they're all running into one. I typically look forward to the holidays, shopping, decorating, picking out a tree, although the last few years have been strangely difficult and argument laden. Is this what happens when you get old and set in your ways? Am I really that stubborn and unbending? When it comes to picking out a tree, I am the voice of perfection.
Honey stumbled onto my crocheting needle the other day. He found it in his shoe! Which is no wonder, considering how crammed and tiny our itty bitty closet is. Poor fella, I totally overwhelm the closet with all my crap, and purses and things. I mean I love being a woman, but man, I normally have a little more control over the area in which my shoes span. Right now they're all over the place. I keep fantasizing about big spacious closets with hidden drawers. One entirely for myself!
In the meantime, I shall crochet. How do you not get hand cramps? Whenever I set out to begin crocheting my fifty-foot long scarves I get so cramped up in the hands. I can switch but it's like parting your hair on the other side, it just feels weird...
I am finishing up my most recent book "Running with Scissors." Great, twisted, a little introspective, but far too much gay sex invloving minors for my tates..At one point I almost put it down out of disgust. But I really want to see the movie, and feel that I NEEDED to read the book first to get a full perspective of what the movie "could be."
It's been so long since I've written down my thoughts. I feel strange about it. Loosley liberated and very excited for things to come..