U - A - R - T - E what's that spell?? Happiness..new work, new people, new stresses, new everything. I can't wait!!!! Although I must say that SCEA knows how to throw a launch party...The PS3 was a very successful launch. I even struck a conversatiom with "she-who-must-not-be-named"...Well, it's been fun. From E3 to the PS3. However, it's my time to move on...No more "she-who-must-not-be-named" ie noodlehead on my back. After today I have one more of these meetings, and I am done..I can't even tell you the relief. Today it was relief, last week, it was something strange..I dunno, almost sadness...I guess I will miss the whole glitz and glammour. The celebrities, the rappers, the fun. But I will mostly just miss my very good friend Blanca. She's been my pillar of strength here. We met early on, but clicked in the split of a second. Since then, we've stumbled out of numerous bars, company parties, and giggled ourselves into oblivion. One time, we even attempted to lift weights together, but the laughter was too much. NOTE TO SELF: DON'T OPERATE HEAVY MACHINERY WITH SILLY FRIENDS MAKING ME WANT TO LAUGH. I will definitely miss her more than anyone...
However, I am so excited beyond belief...I've got a gift exchange, holiday party, and countless creative people heading my way...although twenty graphic designers all under one roof could be hazardous..It will definitely be a job that I will never forget...I think we all belong together, creative or not. Plus I get to be a little closer to my past and present Fortify peeps. Good times...
What to make...I have been told that I will be provided with $15 and the choice to make or purchase a gift for this person that I have never met.....you ask...Well, yes of course, I will
MAKE something, just don't know what...Maybe a little stocking filled with goodies..? Knitting isn't my bag..I wish it were but I don't have a lot of patience these days. Most of it goes to the eleven-year-old of our household...
I can crochet like there's no tomorrow...Hmmm, need to think on this a bit more...
in the meantime. Hooray!!!
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