Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The Dentist.....

Yes, another visit. I repeat ANOTHER VISIT. Since being married, I think I have been there about 30 times...and once to a specialist, because he pulled an "Oh Shit" on me....So, needless to say I think my mouth undoubtedly will reject at all costs any sort of crown attempted to be placed in the molar region..

Granted, I thought it was pretty cool that it took only an hour. I have had death threats from noodlehead in the past for taking too much time at the dentist. Then again, a warranted death threat from her can come from coming in at 9:15 instead if 9:00...so maybe it's not as bad as I am painting it out to be...

Still, the dentist...the drilling, the cold air on my teeth, the "test" grinding, it's enough to make my hair stand on end. And trust me folks, I have a lot of curly hair..There was one episode of The Simpsons that did it to me...It was that one when Homer had eye laser surgery, and his eyes crusted over the noise of the crust, the yetllow..ugh..It gave me that same nauseating feeling like I was going to hurl...

Lol, and I want to have kids...I'll be great so long as they put up one of those blue tents on me, and I don't have to see my own blood everywhere...Snort..

So now, I am just pushing this "permanent" crown around. I give it a week until the sucker pops out. I specifically asked for heavy-duty-cement-mixing-super-duper adhesive so I wouldn't have to go through this again in two weeks..I wonder what he really thinks about me after I leave. I bet I am his biggest pain in the ass.


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