Thursday, February 09, 2006

Wedding Updates

Well, the honey and I seem to have made huge progress last night in terms of our guest list. After much aggrivation over too much family, I have finally narrowed it down. As I hoard my spreadsheet I do not plan to rehash that nightmare again until I absolutely HAVE to get addresses to send reminders..Which, will be like tonight, tomorrow and probably most of the weekend. I didn't realize how much weight I was shouldering by not doing this sooner. Last night a huge weight was lifted as I drifted off to sleep... Until I woke up at, 3, 4 and 6am... I don't know if it was the evening run or the wedding jitters that kept me awake, but I didn't sleep much last night. It's okay, it got my ass to work a little sooner than normal. Big Whup, now I can do nothing for 8 whole hours instead of 6. Yes, I have been slacking off big time here. I am bored out of my noggin...I am holding so tightly to the fact that my hopefully new employer WIILL call that I am starting to not care so much at all anymore...
Happier news...Spring is starting to sprout! Hooray!!! I love the greenery popping up everywhere. It's like a pretty painting just for me. I can't help but notice the beautiful hues of pink showing up all over the place. My heart is sings at this sight. The warmer temperatures of the past few days have been so refreshing. It's totally renewed my spirits and made me want to be outdoors more than anything. Last night my run was so beautiful, I couldn't help but admire the goregeous setting sun peeking over the hills. What a sight! It made the hour go so much faster, moving scenery, moving water, pinkish swirls of a sunset. I could've eaten it.
I don't know why but I was so overcome with sentiment last night during my run, I started thinking of all my Italian relatives that I miss so dearly. I haven't seen them in about 5 years. It's like this huge opening in my heart opens up when I workout and all the pent up stuff and feelings just come bursting out. I guess it's a literal release for me in so many ways. I thought about my cousin Salvina in particular and I almost cried, and l laughed. I don't know why.. I miss her.
It's funny how caught up we get in our lives, how we let everyday things consume us. There is so much more in this world besides work!!! Honey and I toyed with ideas for the honeymoon. Talks of Greece, Jamaica, Fiji were flying last night. We both agree that we want a tropical climate with activities (not a cruise) but enough night life to keep us awake and drunken with excitement to be there together and away from everything realistic and practical...At least for a week.
I am listening to Jovanotti, what a great voice he has, it's thick like honey, and his pronuncaiation of Italian words brings me back to Tuscany. I love the way the words roll off his tongue and make music. His harmony and singing talent is nothing to brag about but his voice is just so rich.

Okay...I need to run. I have to pretend that I am working or something....

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