Monday, August 28, 2006

This is Why They Call Me Fury

Disclaimer: Contents contain foul language and vlugar conduct depcited...

Don't say "No" because I know this has happened to all of us...But last week, it annoyed the shit out of me..I was going to lunch with a co-worker. (good friend of mine) and we were waiting for a parking spot. Of course this stupid shithead of a woman peels right into our spot and has the audacity to chew us out!!!!

My good friend, happens to be Mexican, and this made my blood boil...I had to stop myself from beating the crap of out this woman..

Friend: "well, that was polite"
Bitch: "I'm sorry, I don't speak your language"
Me: "How about shitty parking, do you speak that language"
Bitch: "fuck you bitch"
Me: (flipping her off as I stroll into Chiptole's) "Fuck you, you stupid cunt"
Friend: (snatches my badge off of my pants and is trying to calm me down)
Me: "You stupid bitch"
Me: "Just wait until I tell all of the people that work here, what a racist pig you are, you dumb bitch"

Friend: "Oh my, (she's so cute) my blood is boiling"
Me: "Yeah, let her fuck with me, I will fucking tear her head off, I don't speak your language, who does she think she is?"

The sad part was that this woman looked old, wrinkled, with dyed black hair, kinda like Cher. She was escorting her old parents or something into Starbucks. I felt so bad for these old people, that they had to be in the company of such a stupid bitch.....

Okay, so I am still pissed about it, only because she wronged us, managed to blurt out a racial slur, and then proceeded to call me a fucking bitch... I take this all personally, not only because my friend is Mexican, but because my parents were immigrants. I take this very personally, and can not stand people like her......Ohhh, if only I wasn't on the clock I would've really done some damage.....I considered throwing black beans all over her windsheild, but I was having tacos...

Monday, August 07, 2006

Baby's Baby's Everywhere

I think God is trying to give me a sign, or signal me down with HUGE flags at best. I have just received the third email of online photos of brand new babies within one week...

Two of which were born within two days of each other...I am still coming to terms that I may not be able to tear myself away from my gorgeous newphew Barnaby...Ohhhh he's precious to say the least. I can't get enough of him. I don't know what it is about babies that is scrumptuous. Is it their "new-ness" is it their total purity? Their smell of sweet milk? Or the fact that they rely so completely on you for everything?

I don't know what it is...I have given myself a year to get back on track after the craziness of the wedding. I have a semi-thought out list of what I think the honey and I should do prior to even "thinking" about little ones. But I don't want us to be too old before we conceive..Not to be in too much of a rush, but we're not exactly spring chicks either...

Just saw my best friend's baby last night, at the hospital. Austin Gene Tamm, he was three days old, and slept in my arms for the better part of my visit (about two hours) he was squeamish and made all sorts of cute baby faces and noises...Nothing prepard me for the cuteness factor. I am so proud of her, she has been an amazing sport throughout all this...I am just sad that she has to go back to work in about two months...

Oh well, speaking of work, it beckons, I cringe..not because I don't want to do it, but because I am neck deep in maddness here until we leave for lovely Playa Del Carmen....Ahh, fish tacos, margaritas....the sound of the surf...I can feel the sand between my toes already...

Friday, August 04, 2006

Why Oh why....

I don't know why I do this, but I do it with such vigor and then I proceed to feel like crap afterwards...That is eat shit that is very obviously fattening and not helping my weightloss-mindedness... I think it's turning into a mind freakiness sort of thing now... There could be a number of reasons why I am stuffing my face today, here's to name a few

1. I have missed a poorly thought out deadline at work and am now scrambling to get all the pieces together
2. My family is slowly starting to head back to the UK and my Mom has been cooking all of my FAVORITE italian dishes
3. I am nervous about tonight (the ex-monster has organized the tot's birthday party, and she always makes my skin crawl) At least right now she does. I haven't had any interaction with her since we've been married but it's plain to see that we're avoiding each other. Right now, I am missing the "pizza party" which I can certainly do without, but would make the Tot happy if I attended....
4. My best friend just had a baby and I haven't been able to talk to her...I feel like the hubby is getting annoyed with me...Oh the aggrivation...

Okay, that's it. I think I've pinned down that single derailing feeling...I think it's the ex-monster. She always makes me feel a little strange, but I guess the power that she has is all that I am allowing her to have over me..I know this, why don't I act on it? I have never sat in a movie theater with her and the honey at the same time, and I am not really looking forward to it tonight. I know I will be inspected, scrutinized and evaluated. I hate that...And somehow I eat..Call it nerves..I can't wait for tomorrow, when I can roll out of bed at any hour I please and have two whole days to not worry about deadlines, birthday partites, weddings, or anything else but the honey and me...

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Mmmmm. It's good to be Bad >:)

For some reason, the guilt isn't really making a dent today...Considering the very sad state of my finance to date, I decided to endulge. Okay, so I couldn't quite spend more than $5 on lunch today, and man was it a tasty $5.08....So good it almost hurts....

Okay, tummy is starting to hurt...Ok, ok, I've been working out...sorta, I know I am pissing away my workouts...but I just can't fathom eating cheap-ass salads. I am all or nothing, gimme the good stuff, or just give me trash. Of course I would be totally conent having redvines for lunch too..Oh well, yipee payday is tomorrow!!!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Blissfully Married

As I type away here at my keyboard, with one eye, (why do people say that? You can't really just use one eye huh?) on the clock trying to time this just right...(4:30 meeting) I've got just a little over 30 minutes to post about my blissful wedding to my fabulous husband. The "honey" is now mine all mine (muwhaahaaa) No really, it was such a glorious day, that I wished it could've lasted longer, like at least two or three more days..
From the moment I entered the room and fought tooth and nail trying not to cry my lushes fake lashes off, to the very end of the night when he held me in his arms while we swayed to Brother Iz's "Somewhere over the Rainbow" it was a day / night I will never forget...
One of the most amazing things, was that I barely heard the string trio I so meticulously hired...The second I walked into the ballroom with my Dad gripping my trembling arm, and the whole room stood up at once, it was a wonderful sound, like a stampede all getting up for me! Flashes, trembling bottom lip, hoping to God that I wouldn't trip on the aisle runner and lose my train...Getting to the front was tough, I had a really hard time letting go of my Dad's arm. I was scared I would faint or something...I couldn't look at my gorgeous sister because she was bawling her eyes out. I somehow managed to look at the honey directly in the eyes without crying, because, well he knows me, he can read me, and he knows when I am about to lose all control. The depth of his eyes were so comforting too me, they hugged me and loved me without a single blink.. Call me a tough cookie, but I was damned determined not to cry..In retrospect I feel that maybe I should've let down my hair and shed a few tears that desperately wanted to be free'd. But I didn't want to ruin my makeup. Yes, I am vain...
The evening progressed always with one eye on the honey, with the dj blowing a fuse, (very entertaining by the way) a good friend of mine singing us a beautiful song in Italian. And my Mother and I dancing to Disney's "Once upon a dream" with everyone encircling us. It was my little gift to her. I grew up with her singing all the disney songs to me as a little girl, I told you I was a girly girl..They remain sort of special in my heart. The honey and I greeted, and greeted and greeted, and sadly enough a few of you escaped unscathed...damnit...
The cake cutting was funny, I smashed some in his face very sweetly, but he tried to sexily "tease" some into my mouth..what a sexpot I've married.
The bouquet toss, went to a woman that I'd never met, which sort of bummed me out in a way because I really wanted my good friend Emma to get it..I would've thrown it right at her if I had better aim.
The garter, oh boy, I forgot mine, luckily the honey was equipt with his own. He managed to rip that bad boy off with his teeth! Adam caught, the aforementioned friend "Francesca"'s ex. Long story, but they're good friends..I think..

And then dancing, and more dancing. Some of it with my very close friends Aimmee, Veronica, Francesca and I. We went galloping through the parlor, well, because a parlor like that was begging for four young women to traipse at full speed through it. Wedding dress, shoeless and drenched with sweat. Oh what fun!

Then, that's it, it was over that quickily. The end of it all almost brought tears to my eyes.. The hall, the music, the food, the moment of feeling like there was nothing more important to me on earth than to be right then and there..all done...
We drive away in my car, gas tank on empty with a trunk full of enough liquor to intoxicate a small country. Our gift (all million and one of them) along with our food, went off into the night in two truck loads in the hands of my relatives.

We stayed the night at a VERY lovely hotel..Lush, very very nice. Chocolate covered strawberries, champagne on ice. Folks it was peerrrrfect.. The rest I will leave to your imaginations, as it's a little secret between my husband and I :)

My, it's so new, so different, but somehow feels so right. Like God has planted me right where I am supposed to be. In the arms of the man that I will love for the rest of my life....