Thursday, April 05, 2007

Hear me Roar

I really can't stand nights that are planned to be fun, and turn out like crap. Last night was a prime example, went to the movies, had a quick bite to eat. and then came home and fought...I totally hate that...I know I took this scuffle a tad too far, but I think my reasoning was ligit... This time, I was tired, worn out from feeling like I am doing shit for everyone all the time, and the most aggrivating, is ALONE.

I understand wanting to come home and poop out for a while and just decompress, but when crap is starting to pile up, mail needs to be opened, dishes to be clean, laundry to be folded, dinner to be made, chores set aside for the workplace. I feel soooo distressed. I love having my job and working with the people that I do, I just wish I had more time to do personal things and a little more help...I think I have a few answers to my own rant though...

Goal #1

Get a cleaning person... I can't justify this more. there simply isn't enough time in the day to do all the crap that accumulates in my house. Caring for one or two is a different story, but three, sand maybe someday four..I don't think so..

Goal #2

Get TiVo. Nuf said..Too much time is wasted in front of the tube, no matter how much laundry folding gets accomplished. I am really sick of being a the tv networks mercy for their stupid schedules...

I need to go, I have to take time off work to get my damned oil changed....I think I need a little vacay from all this....

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