Friday, October 15, 2004

The End of Another Business Week

Man am I tired today, not as tired as yesterday, but this week just flew by. I'm pretty proud of myself, I've been keeping a pretty tight workout schedule this week, with only one day missed so far. I've noticed that old age seems to be gripping me by the throat. I've discovered that I think I am lactose intollerant! I love milk!
The day is a bit more chilly, the past few days have been warmer, I've noticed that my skin is changing, could it be because I've approached 29 so quickily?
The clouds are thinly covering the sky today, maybe that's why is a bit cooler. Tonight, the honey and I are going on a date. I don't know what he has planned, actually we usually just play things by ear, neither of us has any sort of interest in planning anything out. I'm noticing that my entires aren't so funny anymore. I haven't been laughing as much. Not crying or anything, well not today at least, I've just run out of writer's steam. Is this what they call "writers block?"
I don't want to vent too much about the honey, well because things seem to be running more smoothly, and I really don't want to jinx anything...But what is abook without drama? It's funny because I spend so much time hoping that things will calm down so our relationship can be "norml" but now I am bored with my life...Climbing Half Dome was a thrill! I definitely will do that again. My birthday came and went the day after..I got a mountain bike that I am planning to ride quite a bit.
Last night I rented the movie "Amelie" I love that little French flick. She is so sweet and innocent and silly. In so many ways she reminds me of the way I was a few years ago.
Last night I dreamnt of the ex-monster. I dreamnt that she was hosting a party at our house, but it wasn't really my house, it was my childhood friend's house (huge) and I was extremely pissed because so many people kept ringing the doorbell and occupying our space. His excuse was, this was her thing, and it was okay with him for her to use our house! I was thinking, WTF??? Eeiwww. So needless to say I woke up on the cranky side. But it felt so good when he snuggled up next to me, he does that in the mornings sometimes, I love it. I don't think I am an easy person to sleep with. I am ALWAYS cold, I hog up the blankets, toss and turn all night and to top it all off is the fact that I am really active in my sleep, and have been known to kick around alot whilst dreaming.
Well, just as I feel this little engine has started to warm up, I must say goodbye. I get to go home and enjoy a fun-filled weekend, doing, laundry, chores, and maybe a little biking riding, with a haircut sprinkled in there somewhere. I am so excited but so nervous about it! I am the biggest chicken when it comes to getting my hair done!