Thursday, April 27, 2006

Not cool

Hmm. I just got totally thrown under the buss by a co-worker who didn't back me up...Thing is I was cut out of an email chain specifically because my anwers would contradict what they wanted to hear....

I am pissed off and feel like I am not being supported. First time I have felt this here...Don't like it...

Sucks..but whatver, I am starting to learn who to not trust...

The house thing..yeah, well another sore subject, we're not going through with the deal, which could actually be a blessing in disguise. Our financing wasn't ironed out, and we started running into many small snags, we eventually junked the whole idea, which leaves me with a little more time and less stress to deal with the wedding stuff...

the wedding's neverending.....

I am feeling especially tense today and can't shake this headache..I havn't had a chance to workout in a few days, which is why my migraines are starting to creep up on me..

This feelings sorta sucks...I can't wait for our honeymoon..

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