Friday, April 28, 2006

Oh my god, what is going on today? I am fighting with everyone..I am my true fury self right now and I am not happy about it. In the past day and a half I have managed to fight with 3 people. Two from work and ahem the bitterness..I refuse to call him the honey today..
I am enraged about everything and soooo friggon menstrual that my 6 mile runs that I've done twice already this week are proving to do nothing for me, but afford me bliss for all of an hour after...
Waahh. I just want to sit in a corner and suck my thumb and give the world a view of my ass right now...And I mean everyone. Okay more to him (the bitterness) than anyone right now..
I am pissed that I finished my David Sedaris book. Now I have nothing to mildly humor me in all my rage. I am pissed that its sunny outside and I am not out there. I am in here smoldering hot with a little rain cloud above my head....(not to mention if it were a comic strip, it would have F@#$K#A^$#$L#&#$%$@)!!! inside of it.....God I hate being this angry...

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